Metabolite content in 12-1 fruit at stage of red ripe
Experiment: nutrition related metabolite profiling in S. pennellii IL lines (NY, Summer 2001, Field)

metabolitecontentrelative level (percent of control)
oxygen radical absorbance capacity3.62 + 1.6 (mcM Trolox equivalent/gfw)47.6
280nm phenolics122.11 + 22.46 (ug/gfw)71.1
total ascorbate44.34 + 22.84 (mg/100gfw)77.5
320nm phenolics143.57 + 14.01 (ug/gfw)85
beta carotene1.96 + 0.23 (ug/gfw)86
delta tocopherol0.47 + 0.148 (mg/gfw)87
360nm phenolics174.42 + 12.57 (ug/gfw)91.1
phytoene25.85 + 5.23 (ug/gfw)111.9
gamma tocopherol3.1 + 0.99 (mg/gfw)114.8
total phenolics930.13 + 11.79 (ug/gfw)129
phytofluene37.82 + 7.06 (ug/gfw)138.5
total tocopherol16.8 + 1.273 (mg/gfw)166.3
alpha tocopherol13.3 + 0.141 (mg/gfw)194.2
reduced ascorbate37.33 + 6.78 (mg/100gfw)200.7
trans-lycopene107.5 + 11.08 (ug/gfw)228.1